Welcome to Freedom Haters and Bible Thumpers. I hope you guessed by the red white and blue background that this blog will focus on politics, specifically the 2012 Presidential election.
So here's the thing: Despite what your favorite news folks are telling you, this election is not groundbreaking, dramatic, unprecedented or exceedingly important. It's your standard presidential election, which the American public suffers through every four years.
What we have here is a highly anticipated, yet predictably dull sequel. 2008 was a blockbuster like no other, complete with epic battles, massive destruction and new heroes and villains. Four years later, things are looking a little bland. After four long years, the right doesn't see the massive Obama backlash they had hoped for. Conversely, the left is disappointed that their guy hasn't been vindicated with an easy reelection. (Obama still leads in the polls...but not by much) What remains is a particularly nasty campaign to solidify support of two polarized bases while not completely sickening the few undecideds out there. With all the issues out there, true politicos are wondering why the American people aren't talking about what really matters.
However, amid all of the mud slinging, attack ads and harsh words, there is a quiet undercurrent. It's often hidden, but in it lies two clear visions for our nation. Look beyond Romney's triangulating and Obama's posturing and you'll find different ideals and visions, not just for the future of our country, but for America itself. Let's say America is a track team. Are we only as fast as our slowest runner or do we pass the baton to the fastest guy on the team? Do we all cross the finish line together or do some of us get left behind for the sake of beating the other guys? If you can excuse my weird analogy, I really believe that's what this election is truly about. In tough times, the different paths we can take become abundantly clear. If nothing else, this election is about choices, and I for one can't wait to see what 50 to 60 percent of registered voters decide is the right path to take.
So I hope you'll check back here often. Whether you're a latte sipping, Prius driving, gay loving, vegan eating freedom hater or a trailer dwelling, gun toting, camo wearing slack jawed bible thumper, I think you'll like what you see.
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